Discuss the differences between web analytics, social network analysis, and customer relationship management, including outlining the environment from which the information is collected, the type of information it collects, and the benefit from the information collected. - FOXESSAYHUB

Discuss the differences between web analytics, social network analysis, and customer relationship management, including outlining the environment from which the information is collected, the type of information it collects, and the benefit from the information collected.

Write about the effect and impact that business processes, complementary technologies, and information systems have on an organisation.
In the Ordering raw data table, complete the Equiv litre per crate/carton column. Also complete the Supplier price per unit and Retail sale price per unit columns.
Complete the projected Customer Order Review for 2021 based on the percentage increase provided.
Create one additional unique macro function.
In the Milk products table, complete the Supplier price per unit column.
In the Customer Order (Week 10) review table, complete the Total Orders 2020 (W10) .
Complete the milk production table.
The formulas required to reveal the missing data include VLOOKUP and COUNTIF (or SUMIF). Absolute addressing is also required.
NOTE: Comments are included in the excel workbook for guidance.
Spreadsheet graphs
You are also required to create three graphs:
Extend the current column chart provided; show total orders by customers for all three years (2019–2021).
Create a column or pie chart—by using the milk production data, create a chart illustrating these figures.
Create a column or pie chart, your choice—this chart can reflect an element from any of the data tables that you feel will add value to the user.
All graphs must be dynamic to show visible changes instantly when the data is altered.
Discuss your chart and the perceived benefits in the main report.
Task B: Business process models
Produce one process model (not hand-drawn) using the swim lane format from the details provided in the case study:
The first swim lane diagram ‘as-is —GDF process model (PDF 55 KB) is provided. Use this model and the provided template to assist you in developing a second swim lane diagram that represents the proposed ‘to-be’ application processes at GDF.
A partly completed template—GDF partial process model (PDF 211 KB) has been provided.
Task C: General questions
What is the role of business process modelling for organisations such as GDF? What are the benefits of providing an as-is model and a to-be model to the general manager? Include your swim lane diagram (from Task B) as part of your explanation.
Broadly explain the importance of information in organisations like GDF and provide an example of how information technology can be a useful tool for attracting new customers and gathering information. Provide some recommendations on how GDF could be modernised. Consider network improvements and cloud services as part of your recommendations.
To promote the use of the new ordering system, GDF will need to develop a mobile-compliant version of the new ordering system as either a native stand-alone app or as a mobile webpage app. Provide the general manager with a valid argument for the preferred method.
Discuss the differences between web analytics, social network analysis, and customer relationship management, including outlining the environment from which the information is collected, the type of information it collects, and the benefit from the information collected.
As GDF will be collecting information (personal and financial) from its clients, outline the privacy laws and cybersecurity measures that the company will need to consider to assure the customer that their information is safe and secure.
Main submission requirements and structure
Report structure
Title page.*
Executive summary.*
Table of contents.*
Evaluations of the business
Business review: Review how the business processes will change (refer to your BPM models), and discuss the important impact that business intelligence (BI) can have on business outcomes (refer to the Excel spreadsheet and graphs in your answer).
The body of the report must include the following:
Two process models addressing the requirements in Task B plus any assumptions.
Three graphs representing the requirements in Task A plus short descriptions for each.
Add screen shots (minimum of two) of the spreadsheet to the appendix section.
Include subheadings with responses to the questions in Task C.
Include in-text references.
Other report components
Conclusion/summary (provide brief summary and any additional recommendations).
Include an appendix.
Reference list (This is mandatory. Include six or more references as a minimum).*
Note: Report items marked with a * do not count towards the final word count.

Discuss the differences between web analytics, social network analysis, and customer relationship management, including outlining the environment from which the information is collected, the type of information it collects, and the benefit from the information collected.
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