Outcome Measure: A 5-page word-processed manuscript (double spaced, one-inch margins, excluding references) that is organized using the following structure:
Background (why this is an important proposed study)
Methods (how it will be implemented? What is the theoretical framework or theory that supports your study? Which instruments will you use to guide your theory or plan your study? How will you measure your outcomes?)
Anticipated results (if applicable)
Discussion (practice change, policy recommendations)
b. Formulating your topic. Please be clear when writing the introduction to your topic and how the selected model can help identify potential points of intervention. You should select a subject that interests you professionally and that by researching the topic will improve your clinical expertise and understanding of the selected area.
Example: Personal beliefs (self-efficacy) and willingness are known to influence engaging in healthy behaviors and effect subsequent health outcomes. There are several associated concepts e.g. perceived susceptibility among smokers to developing cancer. In this example the Health Belief model can be used to illustrate why some people are more successful at quitting smoking than others. A study is proposed by a nurse that works in an outpatient that uses the Health Belief model to reduce smoking for her patients.