″THE FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION″ and ″THE CONSUMER FINANCIAL PROTECTION BUREAU″ Address the following: The legal protections afforded to consumers by these agencies. The rules/laws/regulations that these bodies apply/enforce to provide those protections. The steps that are taken to investigate/enforce violations of consumer rights. The penalties that may be imposed for violating these rules/laws/regulations. Cite at least three federal cases and/or law review articles from Westlaw. The sources must present examples on how those agencies (and their rules/laws/regulations) protected a consumer or failed to do so. Structure your paper according to this outline with these headings: Introduction Summarize the mission and objectives of both agencies How does each agency go about investigating violations of consumer rights What penalties are they authorized to impose for violations Discuss your first case or law review article from Westlaw regarding a situation where one of the agencies protected a consumer or failed to do so Discuss the second case or law article from Westlaw…. Discuss the third case or law review article from Westlaw…. Provide a short conclusion with an overall critique of both agencies (are they meeting their mission/objective?)